PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Rejuvenate Skin and Restore Hair Growth with PRP Therapy
This all-natural and minimally invasive therapy has been in use since the mid-1990s in the aesthetic industry. It helps rejuvenate the skin, restore hair growth as well as aid in soft tissue recovery following plastic surgery.
At Pretty Girl Aesthetics, are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and advanced PRP therapy Knoxville has to offer. We provide treatments for acne scars, removing wrinkles and skin dullness, and hair loss. The treatment is completely natural with no downtime and offers long-lasting results. Many of our customers have undergone this treatment with effective results.
What is PRP?
It is a safe, natural, and non-surgical treatment that uses protein and growth factors in the platelets and plasma from the patient’s blood. The PRP therapy involves blood drawn from the patient’s body, processed, and then re-injected back on the face, scalp, or the affected areas. The process triggers collagen production, cell proliferation, speeds healing, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
The first step involves the extraction of a small amount of the patient’s blood into a specialized tube. This is then placed in a centrifuge for 15 minutes to separate platelets and obtain plasma. The plasma obtained is further set aside in a tube to allow the platelets to drop out of suspension and collect at the bottom. This concentrated solution of platelets in the plasma is called Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP. At Pretty Girt Aesthetics, we follow a standard procedure to achieve maximum platelet concentration.

How It Works?
At our med spa clinic, our certified injector performs the PRP therapy. The treatment is simple and takes about 30 minutes to complete. Our injector identifies the area of concern as per the patient’s needs which could either be the face or scalp. Once the area is evaluated, we make several injections with a small syringe to place the PRP into the affected area. The PRP contains growth factors and cytokines that stimulate collagen production and regenerates the tissues to make your skin smooth and tight. It softens wrinkles and creates a skin tone and texture that is smooth, and younger-looking. When injected into the scalp for hair restoration it stimulates and enhances hair follicle function for new hair growth. The platelets in the Platelet Rich Plasma promote healing and growth within the skin and hair follicles.
Advantages of PRP
Completely Natural
No chemicals, acids, or plumping agents are used for the treatment. The body responds to PRP in the same way when an injury occurs.
No Downtime
Some skin rejuvenation and hair loss treatments are complicated and invasive as well as have a long recovery time. However, it is not the case with PRP as it is non-surgical and no side effects.
The treatment just takes 30 minutes to complete, but the results offered are long-lasting. For skin rejuvenation, results appear in the first month and for the hair restoration therapy results can be seen within three months. A lot of our patients report results for skin lasting for over a year in just one treatment session. However, the results last even longer when multiple sessions are done.
It is ideal to undergo a series of treatments, and then be on a maintenance place every 6- 12 months after for optimal results
Visit our Knoxville med spa today to know more about PRP therapy.