Dermaplaning 101: Why It Is Hollywood’s Secret to Silky and Smooth Skin


Dermaplaning is a unique facial treatment that rejuvenates the skin by removing dead skin cells and peach fuzz from the face and neck.
This treatment is known by many names including blading and microplaning—but whatever you call it, there’s no question that this simple procedure can make a huge difference to the appearance of your skin.
Keep reading to learn more about dermaplaning.

More About Dermaplaning

A dermaplaning procedure is an exfoliation technique that uses a scalpel to gently remove dead skin cells and vellus hair or peach fuzz from the face. It’s a perfect way to keep your skin looking radiant and smooth without having to undergo a more invasive treatment.

Many people find that dermaplaning helps to even out their skin tone and even reduce excess sebum production. The treatment can also help remove acne-causing bacteria and blackheads that can lead to clogged pores or breakouts.

While dermaplaning isn’t necessarily the recommended treatment for acne, it can be integrated into an existing skincare regimen alongside other treatments such as chemical peels to maximize results.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is an affordable treatment that can give a Hollywood-worthy glow in the right hands. Here are some of its benefits:

How Often Should You Do It?

Because dermaplaning is a preventative treatment, it’s ideal to do this once a month.
If you have acne or other similar skin issues, then you may want to consider having your dermaplaning session done every three weeks.
However, If you have sensitive skin, it might be best to get dermaplaning done every two months instead of every month.

Is Dermaplaning Painful?

Dermaplaning is not a painful procedure at all!
Think of it as similar to having a haircut and feeling the scissors or clippers moving across your head—you’re aware of what’s happening, but it isn’t painful in any way. It’s pretty much the same with a dermaplaning scalpel.

Try Dermaplaning Today!

If you’re looking for a quick, easy, and effective way to rejuvenate your skin, dermaplaning may be just what you need.
It is an affordable treatment that gives you the results you want without an invasive procedure that may require longer downtime. Here at Pretty Girl Aesthetics Knoxville Tn, our providers have given countless patients beautiful and lasting dermaplaning results in the safest way possible.

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